Delivering right can save a life!
Yesterday morning, our team woke up to one of a grave message in our official inbox. It wrote, ‘Can you deliver life saving drugs in a single day from Srinagar to Bandipora?’
Seeing that ‘life saving’ phrase gave us all chills and we spoke about it in our WhatsApp group. None of us bothered of the working hours which were yet to start for us and without even a breakfast meal, we were already up on a plan to make this delivery possible, for it meant saving a life.

We all knew of the challenges, that included harsh winter weather, the cold shorter days and covering the distance from one part of Kashmir to the other. But, above all we knew someone somewhere needed it the most. So, we replied to the concerned person and assured him, we will make this delivery possible for him.
Next moment, we got in touch with our delivery service associate in Bandipora and asked him to manage this delivery to the concerned address immediately, leaving anything aside, when the package reaches him from Srinagar office. He had a lot of shipments in queue that needed to be delivered for the day according to schedule but that ‘life saving’ phrase again played its part. He agreed and assured to the on-time package delivery.
Getting the parcel picked up from the mentioned address was the first and foremost task that we started our working hours with followed by sending the package from Srinagar hub to the other side of the valley. We were all worried if this will reach on time owing to the kind of traffic and other hurdles and everyone from the core team was tracking this package personally time to time.
4: 30 P.M and the message popped in. “Thank you very much, you saved a life”. Alhamdulillah’, we did it successfully. No other successful shipment would have made the whole team happier than this did. That’s about the right time, the right delivery.
If you want your packages delivered from the most reliable and professional local courier service too, get in touch, visit :
We will be happy to help you